Christ Church Building Club~Let’s Build Together

Hi. My name is Dave Jutsum. I am excited to be starting a LEGO® building club at Christ Church Downtown. We meet each Sunday from 1pm til 3pm.

The purpose of our club is to walk in and build. People can stay for as long as they want. They do not have to stay for the entire two hours . There is no registration. There is no charge, whatsoever. We will display the finished creations, and people can take pictures.

I provide the pieces. I have acquired thousands of pieces for the purpose of hosting a building group. This is something which I have envisioned for a long time. I found out how much I enjoy providing for builders by accident. I brought some of my pieces to a brick convention where I had a display table. I invited kids passing by to build, and then to display their creations. It was a whole lot of fun. I waited a whole year to do it, again. And, it was still fun. I especially liked to watch parents interacting with their children. We had a lot of kids in our family, and I was reminded of those times. I would like to emphasize that this is not a drop off your child and leave event. I need a parent or guardian or grandparent or older sibling to stay with kids under the age of 12.

And, for that matter, our group is meant for builders of all ages.

Building with LEGO@ pieces can be joyful, playful, creative, and therapeutic for people of many different backgrounds. People on the Autism Spectrum often make connections through LEGO® building. I believe that all of these factors are inspired by our wonderful God. I am hoping to celebrate these joys with some LEGO® loving members of our downtown churches. It is intended to be an opportunity to focus on something which can bring us together: the joy of building LEGO@ creations. I would love to see LEGO@ builders from all kinds of denominations join in. Let's Build Together! is the name of our group.

Do you believe in the power of God's Unconditional Love?

As Christians, I know that you do. I have seen God's Unconditional Love on display in my job at the LEGO® Store. It is a thing of beauty and wonderful power. God's power at work is amazing and breathtaking and a thing to behold. That is what I see, woven into the world of LEGO®. That is really why I am starting this club. I hope that some will come and join us. We will be here every week. We will be using the Broadway Street entrance at Christ Church go up the stairs, and ring the bell. By using that entrance, we will not get in the way of A Meal and More which hosts Sunday dinner in our building. There is free parking on city streets on Sundays. We also have permission to park in the big RG&E lot on Lawn Street a cross the street from the church. I would love it if you can send us some LEGO@ builders, of any age. Now I can look forward to meeting builders every week! I embrace the words of our Lord Jesus Christ," Behold, I make all things new." - Dave

Let's Build Together!